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This document provides guidelines for package development which are meant to promote clearer, robust, maintainable, and well-documented code. It borrows largely from the rOpenSci onboarding guidelines and from this post on the RECON forum. See list of contributors for more information on people who shaped this.

Package development guidelines

General Guidelines for R code

You can set up an R package skeleton with the recontools package, which will set up your package with the templates for using github, continous integration, and testing.

When writing your package, we recommend following the rOpenSci package development guidelines, with the following additions / changes:

  • RECON does not use any package submission system. If you would like your package to integrate RECON, be in touch with us directly (click on email link at the bottom of this page).

  • Packages should be hosted on github, or a similar platform with a (ideally, distributed) version control system; we recommend keeping the master branch as functional, and using other branches for more adventurous changes.

  • When adding new functionality, write your tests before you write your functions. This will provide better protection against bugs because you are writing the function based on what you expect it to do as opposed to writing the test based on what lines of code you want to cover.

  • Never comment out tests. If a test is failing for a good reason (e.g. you are performing a large refactor), then skip it using the skip() function from testthat. This allows you or others to easily track down and audit the test failures.

  • Packages should be submitted to a goodpractice run to detect possible issues.

  • The README.Rmd should provide an overview of the main functionalities of the package, and point to more detailed resources (vignettes, tutorials, open-access publications) where relevant.

  • Vignettes are strongly recommended for more detailed documentation, including worked examples, details of analyses and methods, customisation of graphics, and object classes. The Rmarkdown (.Rmd) format is preferred to Sweave (.Rnw) as it is easier to convert to .html pages.

  • We strongly recommend the use of roxygen2 for documentation, as it makes documentation easier to maintain.

  • We encourage the use of “::” when importing functions from non-core packages, as it makes dependencies on foreign code more visible.

  • We encourage the use of pkgdown to generate a website for the package. For an example, see the incidence package and its website.

When collaborating with other people on a package, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with keeping track of a moving target. Here, we’ll outline a few practices that will help make the experience easier:

  • Define a clear code of conduct. You can use usethis::use_code_of_conduct() to template it if you haven’t done so already.

  • Add a file. This file will describe the kind of contributions you expect from the community in terms of code, test, and documentation style. You can fine an example CONTRIBUTING file in the poppr R package

  • Lock the master branch. If code works on your computer, it’s no guarantee that it will work on an external machine like travis or appveyor. By locking the master branch, you can ensure that all code must pass through a pull request before it can be incorporated and, thus must have some level of vetting.

  • Set up 2 factor authentication. This will help prevent your account from being hacked. If you use this option, you will also want to use the ssh protocol instead of the https protocol.


Besides the rOpenSci whose guidelines we largely adopted, the following people contributed to these guidelines; in alphabetic order:

  • Gabor Csardi
  • Rich Fitzjohn
  • Thibaut Jombart
  • Zhian N. Kamvar
  • Noam Ross