The plot method for epiflows objects offers types of graphics (argument type):

# S3 method for epiflows
plot(x, type = c("map", "network", "grid"), ...)



an epiflows object.


The type of plot to produce (defaults to map).


arguments passed on to a given type


  • map: flows are displayed on an interactive map; see map_epiflows for more details

  • network: flows are displayed as a network using the htmlwidget visNetwork and the plotting method for epicontacts objects; see vis_epiflows for more details

  • grid: flows are displayed as a grid between origins and destinations; see grid_epiflows for more details


data("Brazil_epiflows") # no coordinates, defaults to network plot(Brazil_epiflows)
#> type 'map' requested but 'x' has no spatial coordinates #> using 'network' instead
# grid bubbleplot plot(Brazil_epiflows, "grid")
# adding coordinates defaults to map data("YF_coordinates") ef <- add_coordinates(Brazil_epiflows, YF_coordinates[-1]) plot(ef)