Data ConversionFunctions for computing and converting incidence objects |
Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates. |
Conversion of incidence objects |
Incidence Curve VisualisationFunctions for plotting incidence curves and models |
Plot function for incidence objects |
Color palettes used in incidence |
AccessorsAccessor functions for the incidence object |
Get counts from an incidence object |
Retrieve dates from an incidence object |
Accessors for |
extract and set group names |
Access various elements of an incidence object |
Data ManipulationFunctions for manipulating incidence objects by date or group |
Subsetting 'incidence' objects |
Pool 'incidence' across groups |
Compute cumulative 'incidence' |
Parameter EstimationFunctions for estimating parameters such as peak and doubling time |
Bootstrap incidence time series |
Estimate the peak date of an incidence curve using bootstrap |
Find the peak date of an incidence curve |
Fit exponential models to incidence data |